Friday, February 12, 2010

Another one

Ok so I decided to tell another one...
Amanda is catholic and one of the many catholic holidays I don't understand is lent. Blah blah blah some religious mombojumbo and they give up something for 40 days, sposed to symbolize something about Abraham?! or Sampsonite... lol google 40 days and sampsonite Im sure you get a bible story. Anyway ... Amanda... Lent... yes back to what I was saying Amanda gave up sweets for Lent... (I gave up cocaine, it was easy) but she was having a hard time with it.
Well one day this adorable little girl scout comes by and sales a couple of boxes of Amanda's favorite girl scout cookies, samoas to Amanda. Well she cant eat these for another 30 days or so, she places them in the freezer, to keep fresh? (because cookies have a short shelf life?) so she has to wait for another 30 days, wanting her cookies each day more and more. Well I got bored and decided to have a little fun... I got the boxes out heated a knife and unglued the packages on the bottom of the box, took out the cookies replaced them with a couple full decks of playing cards then re-glued the cookie boxes together and placed them back int the freezer.
I waited weeks with this little secret, harder and harder to keep inside each day... well Lent comes and goes and Amanda is still sticking to her no sweets deal with god.
One day a friend and I go to my house to each lunch and kill a couple hours... Anyway I am hungry and see that there is a tuna fish sandwich in the fridge so I eat it, think nothing of it and continue my enjoyable lunch hours... I decide to tell Scott, my friend what I did with the cookies and complain that she still hasn't opened them. Meanwhile....
Amanda is at work, and everything is going wrong, Alarm doesn't go off in the morning and she is running late, traffic is terrible only to further her delay. All and all the day has been very busy at work, somebody ate her yogurt and apple out of the fridge, just a bad day. So she heads home for lunch...
Scott and I happen to be playing Xbox 360 when she arrives and I glance up and say a quick hello then continue with our game... Amanda goes to the fridge and wait, there is no tuna fish sandwich for her to eat. Devustated and frustrated she finally looks up at the freezer, slowly opens it anticipating the best thing she has had in months and grabs a box of cookies... I notice and cant wait to see what happens next... Looking back I now know I should have said something....
Well Amanda began to open her "cookies" and breaks the seal, reaches in and feels something hard, She then says out loud and thinking its a promotion, "that's weird they put a deck of car..." she then realizes there is 3 more decks of cards and I am laughing hysterically in the corner... I then look up just in time to see deck after deck being thrown at my head!
Needless to say she was pissed and hit me a few times until I showed her where I hid her cookies :)